**Wait, Wait!! I wasn't ready :-) **
Hello lovelies!
It's been some time I know. I've definitely missed the input..
In sweet home Chicago, we've been blessed with snow, frigid temperatures, and beloved black ice. Cars have slid on freshly snowed streets, bumping and side swiping other cars, and people have slipped and fell in the most embarrassing of fashions while trying to cross the slush filled streets. The most deadly of the Chicago Winter is The Hawk. Affectionately named so by the good people of Chicago, The Hawk or Windy (refer to Kanye West's "Homecoming") has made even the strongest of men weak at the knees. Many tears have fallen and many lives have been treated by the affects of The Hawk. But good ol Windy not only blows wintry wind, but also it seems, people.
Now... awhile ago, I made a promise to a certain best friend that I would no longer continue to allow people to walk in and out of my life. That if they weren't standing on the front lines with me now, then I didn't want to have anything to do with them. I'm a firm believer in the saying: "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me"
But the fact of the matter is, that's not always easy. It Especially depends on how deep your feelings are for this particular someone. Now we all know this does not just apply to male/female relationships, but also friendships. I KNOW some of yall have that one "friend" that keeps receiving the low key *side eye* from you, but you love them to death and always over look the things about them that continue to blow you. It can be tiring and mentally and emotionally draining forgiving, forgetting, moving on, and then getting let down again.
So what do you do? Well, you have two options.. You entertain what the person has to say and forgive, and move on with the hopes that things get better and change, or you can choose to remove this person from your life completely. The choice is always there, it's just what we choose to do with the information.
Today's Confessions
- I confess that sometimes I fall victim to the "dryer" affect
- I confess that somebody will stay, and somebody will go
- I confess that a dress with feathers may not have been the best way to go lol :-)
So how do you know who to let back in and who to keep out? Make your list and check it twice honey. But always know there's the possibility of things biting you in the ass. You never know what will happen. But sometimes, not knowing is half the fun :-)
♥ Kisha_Fashionista ♥
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