"Some people are settling down, some people are settling, and some people refuse to settle for anything less than butterflies" -Carrie Bradshaw
Hello Lovelies!
That's one of my favorite quotes from Sex and the City. And why?? Because too many times we decide to take the easy way out of situations and settle. And by we please believe I mean myself included..
I'm not just talking about love lives either. Any situation whether it be with a job, or friends sometimes we feel like it's just a lot easier to settle for a sure thing.
Settling is kind of like putting a band-aid over a bullet wound; a temporary fix. When you settle in a relationship sense, it's bound to have disastrous results.
It's so easy to look for that safety net. The act of love is like one big circus act. Lets say you're the flying trapeze artist. You're swinging and swaying and putting on a hell of a show. But then that time comes where your partner is waiting for you to finish at the platform. You have to choose whether to trust and grab there hands and finish your performance off strong, or to let go and allow the safety net to catch you. It can be scary not knowing if your partner will be there for you, to catch you and hold on to you. And while your swinging and wondering whether or not your going to be caught, that safety net starts lookin real good. But there are certain things that must be considered before you make the decision.
If you do decide to fall, sure you'll be nice and safe but your performance would be half ass. You took the easy way out. Besides everybody else criticizing such a bootleg performance, that doesn't compare to YOU feeling like you've failed.
Everybody has that 1 person that they know they can always go back to whenever they feel lonely and that's always ready to be in a relationship with you. We keep those on reserve just for rainy days. It's not that this person is a bad person per say, they just aren't your first choice. You're first choice is the person standing at the platform that may or may not catch you. Settling for your safety net always seems like the safest and easiest choice but after awhile feelings of resentment may arise and what was once deemed "safe" can turn into annoying. Soon there are arguments, and feelings of bitterness and unhappiness and suddenly your wishing you would have just taken the leap.
Todays Confessions:
- I confess that I'm sick because I've been waltzing around Chicago in barely anything
- I confess that my love life has become something of a circus
- I confess that I punked out and fell into my safety net :-/
Well lovelies, nobody said love was easy because it isn't. Like I said before it has the potential to be like a 3 ring circus. But it's up to you to decide whether you'll continue being an act, or take center stage as the ring leader. Love you all :-)
♥ Kisha_Fashionista ♥
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