Good morning Lovelies :-)

This is my first Confessions of a Fashionista blog!
I know what your thinking!
Now Wait... Is she a bandwagon hoe?? I mean EVERYBODY with a computer is blogging these days..
Nope! I have a fashion blog that constantly gets updated, but don't worry, no plugs here, these are two separate but equally important blogs.
Now, down to bidness... It is my absolute firm belief, that I am fabulous. I'm not being cocky, or full of myself. I just live the life that I deem fabulous. I shop (often) I go out (often) I have amazing friends, I travel, and I'm educated. But I'm also single! ( DUM DUM DUUUUUUUUUM) You would think that a nice gal from a good family, smart, stylish, well versed, and fun would be able to find somebody that would stick around.. But alas, in today's world, it's a whole new brand of 2009 guy out there....
Now Wait..... What does that even mean?
It means, you cant trust these new niggas over yonder. You know the guys I'm talking about.. The Spencer Pratt's and Justin Bobby's of the world.. You've seen em. You've dated em. Some of you are probably dating some right now. They are EVERYWHERE and there taking over! Watch out bish!

So what's a girl to do?
Who knows. This age old question is up there with the chicken and the egg. Do you meet someone at a club? At a bar? On Facebook? Blind date? It's all so..... exausting. At the end of the day, all anybody wants is that one person they can come home to and feel loved by. Is that so hard???
Ummm.. YES!
But it doesn't have to be. And there lies the question in todays blog.. Why does shit have to be so DAMN difficult? :: Le sigh::
Today's Confessions:

This is my first Confessions of a Fashionista blog!
I know what your thinking!
Now Wait... Is she a bandwagon hoe?? I mean EVERYBODY with a computer is blogging these days..
Nope! I have a fashion blog that constantly gets updated, but don't worry, no plugs here, these are two separate but equally important blogs.
Now, down to bidness... It is my absolute firm belief, that I am fabulous. I'm not being cocky, or full of myself. I just live the life that I deem fabulous. I shop (often) I go out (often) I have amazing friends, I travel, and I'm educated. But I'm also single! ( DUM DUM DUUUUUUUUUM) You would think that a nice gal from a good family, smart, stylish, well versed, and fun would be able to find somebody that would stick around.. But alas, in today's world, it's a whole new brand of 2009 guy out there....
Now Wait..... What does that even mean?
It means, you cant trust these new niggas over yonder. You know the guys I'm talking about.. The Spencer Pratt's and Justin Bobby's of the world.. You've seen em. You've dated em. Some of you are probably dating some right now. They are EVERYWHERE and there taking over! Watch out bish!
So what's a girl to do?
Who knows. This age old question is up there with the chicken and the egg. Do you meet someone at a club? At a bar? On Facebook? Blind date? It's all so..... exausting. At the end of the day, all anybody wants is that one person they can come home to and feel loved by. Is that so hard???
Ummm.. YES!
But it doesn't have to be. And there lies the question in todays blog.. Why does shit have to be so DAMN difficult? :: Le sigh::
Today's Confessions:
- I will confess that I got 3 hours of sleep last night. Tops.. Why? Cuz I let someone inturrupt my fabulousness with there foolishness. SMH
- I will confess that I have a tendency to go off when i'm not getting my way.. (sue me)
- I will confess that there is a time in every chicks life, where she will come to the realization that she Got GOT.
- I will confess... I got GOT! :-(
So how does one bounce back from getting got? Shit... I dont know, but when i find out. You'll be the first to know :-)
♥ Kisha_Fashionisha ♥
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