Hello again Lovelies,
I know what your thinking.. This bish JUST posted a blog. I'm aware of that. But there is a story that goes along with the EX blog. This post is dedicated to........
We've all had it.. Some people may be involving themselves in some sort of internet beef now. No matter what the reason, internet beef is wack BOOTZ!.
Let's explore...
Now a days, the nosiest of nosies can check in and know all about your personal business because of what you choose to post up on the net. At one time, everybody had a Black Planet page. Then on to the more evolved Myspace, up to Facebook, and now Twitter. At one time you had to be a college student with a valid college email address in order to sign up for Facebook. Now everybody's grandma, mama, and Bible study teacher has a Facebook. Nobody really bothers with Myspace anymore, and dont even think about coming at someone on a Black Planet page. Twitter is one of the best and worst internet creations in years. If gives fun, energetic, and smart individuales the means to constantly update whats going on in there minds, lives, and hearts in a creative way. BUT. It also gives a chance for the ignorant to spread there stupidity at a rapid rate.
Twitter beef. Is. Wack!
Have I said that enough times? Anyway, my EX decides to check in on my life via Twitter and this here blog. Which is fine and dandy, but when you search for things, you find them. In the words of Adam Lambert, I am not a babysitter. I refuse to say things that everybody will like. Before a Bish knew it, the EX was at my head via a Subliminal Tweet.
The always obvious, but hardly funny subliminal tweet is always the jumping off point for an official twitter beef. So what's a person to do?
Well.... You can take the high road and chose to ignore such foolishness. BUT that has the potential for making you feel tried and that's NEVER a good feeling.
Or.. you can continue with the circus and sling your own nameless mud (like I did).... (I HATE feeling tried).... (Dont JUDGE me..) I'll admit lovelies.. I got involved and began subliminally tweeting. It wasnt until his new girlfriend jumped in and called me every type of Bitch in the book that I realized, I was arguing with FOOLS... And what's worse, people looking in on my tweets, were talking about how foolish I looked.. I had to stop. Blocks were made, BBM pins were deleted and number's were removed. It may seem fun to be able to say what you feel and not attatch a name but in the end, you wind up looking silly, and extra MADD
More of Today's Confessions:
- I confess that I felt so foolish with those subliminal messages
- I confess that it's just not worth a second thought
- I confess that I need to go back to '07 ♥ Kisha_Fashionista ♥ mentality
Yes darlings.. Interenet beef is so desperate looking. And Tweet Beef...? Even worse. It may look fun to air out somebody's business without attatching a name, but remember. Subliminal messages are a way of throwing rocks and hiding your hands. So not the 2010 move.
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