"Sex boggles your brain. I'll keep my sanity thank you!" - @ohmyGAUDY
The Post for today is all about S.E.X. What was once considered taboo, sex is now popping up everywhere from television to film to radio and in homes across America. It seems that everything that you'd ever want to know about sex you can learn just by watching some of today's music videos (I.E "Invented Sex" Pictured above) For us grown folks, we had that dreaded birds and the bees talk when we were younger. You know the speech. "When a man and a woman really love each other (WHEN THEY'RE MARRIED) They decide to express that love for one another (WHILE THEY'RE MARRIED) blah blah blah. At some point or another, you make the decision to lose your virginity and that ladies and gentleman is when you no longer are a child. What my parents never mentioned, was that besides the physical consequences of sex (possible pregnancy, and disease) there are also huge emotional ties.
Ok, so it's pretty obvious right?
The truth is, while some are good at separating sex from feelings, there are only a select few that do that and pull it off successfully.
When you get to the fork in the road in a courtship where you two have to decide whether to just be "friends" or take things further, sex can determine whether it's a smooth path, or a bumpy road.
When we have sex, we essentially are receiving (in whatever form of your choosing), sharing or giving (in whatever form of your choosing) and exchanging. You're also building an invisible bond. Even if the two people decide amicably that they will just remain friends, it will never be as it was before you two hit the sack. But at least there are friendly feelings.
If the separation was not so lovely, then run for cover. For most woman, (quality woman) sex is the finalizing factor. We (quality woman) rarely sleep with someone that we wouldn't consider dating. Drunken wham bam thank you ma'ams are not included in this discussion. I'm talking about someone that you chat with on the phone, start to date, smile when they text you, go through the motions with. A quality woman knows the consequences and repercussions of taking it to the next level, therefore we are choosy in who gets the nookie. Men, consider yourselves the best of the best, because trust, there isn't a day that goes by that a woman is not solicited for sex. We can literally get it from anywhere but you are the chosen ones. When we finally decide to let you into our private intimate world, and if you really get down with the get down, there isn't anything that a (quality woman) wont do for you. We would literally give you the world if we could.
But scorn us, and that's when the war paint comes out. The other polar side to that woman can come out and make you want to crawl back into your mothers womb and never return. Even a (quality woman) who has been scorned after sex may end up catching a case. Sometimes it really is that deep. It seems now a days because sex is constantly in our faces nobody values or even cares about the affects of intimacy until it's too late.
Today's Confessions:
- I confess that I've taken the necessary steps, and now a lot of big things are happenin for ya girl. I'm very excited and closer than ever to my dream!!
- I confess that it is absolutely RIDICULOUS how obsessed I am with Lady Gaga. Seriously I drool over that bish.
- I confess that I too have fallen for the oke doke. And felt like I was damn near losing my mind because I was so angry.
- I confess that the sex was goooood. :-( :-/ :-)
♥ Kisha_Fashionista ♥
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