Hi Lovelies....
Have you seen the movie How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days?
When the movie came out in 2003, me and my Bestfriend saw it not once but 2 times (being thirsty) lol.. When I first saw it, I thought it was just a baseless comedy about 2 people that played games up until the end of the movie..
She (Andie Anderson, *played by Kate Hudson*) was a writer for a professional woman's magazine. And He (Benjamin Barry *played by Mat McConaughey*) Is an advertising executive nortorious around the office for being a ladies man. When one of Andie's friends goes through yet another devestating breakup, Andie decides to write an article on the things that woman do wrong. Her assignment is to find a new guy, wheel him in, then flip the switch on him and do all the classic things that women do wrong in a relationship. At the same time, in order to score a big account, Ben is dared to find a woman and make her fall in love with him in 10 days.. Long story short, they both eventually end up finding out that they are playing one another and that they really are in love with each other. And of course, they live happily ever after.
Now Wait Bish.....
I can guarantee you this almost NEVER happens in real life..
Not the playing games part, but the getting over it after you've done the playing or been played. We as humans play this game called life on an every day basis. There are so many different games to play when it comes to relationships. But are they all bad?
Lets explore shall we?
1) The "Defensive" Game- These are games we play with our significant others in order to protect our hearts from future heartbreak. Playing level: Possible Danger
2) The "Childish" Game- These are games that young people, or young minded people like to play. The break up every 3 days, calling private, spreading rumors, make you jealous kind of games. Playing level: Dangerous
3) The "Power Struggle" Game- These are games that you play when you want to have full control over relationships. I.E.. Constantly checking up, or checking in. Monitering outfits, friends, and family. Not only are these signes of abuse, there also mind games.
Speaking of which..
4) The "mind" Games- What can be thought of as the worst of the games to play with someone. Mind games are what we all are guilty of playing at some point or another. Those on the receiving end of a mind game have the potential to be left hurt, confused, angry, souless, and damaged. Playing Level: Very Dangerous
The Defensive game, isnt so much a bad thing, because everybody has been hurt at one point or another and you definatly dont want to feel that way again. But it also has the potential for danger because in your quest for protecting yourself, you could end up hurting someone that really loves you. The Childish game is just that. Childish. Nobody wants to put up with somebody who calls there phone private, and low key stalks them just because there shits not together. The Power game again has the potential to be lethal. I'm in no way saying that men are the only 1's who struggle to hold and maintain power in a relationship, because we as women do it too.. Just needed to throw that out there. Mind games just hurt. Period. I dunno about you all, but my heart and head battle each other on an every day basis. It sucks to know that while you chose your heart over your head, your head knew it was being toyed with.. And when you realize you've been played with, your mind WONT let you forget. SMH...
Todays Confessions:
1) I Confess thatI Drank waaaay to much this weekend :-(
2) I Confess that I was playing the defensive game, and ended up losing somebody beyond special to me. :-(
3) I confess that I fugged up.
Dont play games lovelies.. It's NEVER worth it. Because losing absolutely sucks!
♥ Kisha_Fashionista ♥