hello Fabs,
Recently, it has been brought to my attention the number of females that get Brazilian waxes almost doubles in the winter season. Which at first was surprising because the winter season is when we are more covered up than normal. But then, I got to thinking, and I realized, well of course the number is higher. From late September to early March, there is an unwritten, highly spoken phenomena that happens when 2 people who couldn't think of anything better to do during the cold winter nights then cuddle, decide to temporarily (or not) come together. This phenomena is better known by it's street name as cuffing season. And what better way to kick off cuffing season as a female, then to get waxed and perfected for said cuff. But the more cuffing season was mentioned on Twitter, the more I came to realize that it was a high number of men requesting Brazilians on females. Asking a female to shave, or wax is extremely private.But ladies, it IS all about the presentation. I mean, you wouldn't serve Fillet Mignon on a garbage can lid would you? But fellas, if you're going to be so particular about how hairy her love below is, do me a favor. Go to your nearest restroom, unzip, and take a look at what you're working with. Are your balls smooth as eggs, or are you in serious need of deforestation. Lets get real, women don't want to feel like they're choking on a Brillo pad, just as much as you don't need chaff marks on your nose. This isn't a long blog like yesterday, it is simply a plea to the male species that if you're going to make requests such as these, at least be courteous enough to follow suite and manscape :)
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