I'm going to take the time to really vent about some things. I noticed A lot of these more "established" bloggers have really been taking shots at those of us who choose not to pay to remove blogspot from our names. So, to that I say, so the FAUK what.. I mean really. It's not like I don't have the money to do it (because trust me I do) And really I don't have a reason for not having it done. But I will by the summer.
Secondly: Can somebody please tell me what's up with guys and the whole transference of emotion bull crap? There is this one guy that loves to blame other people for his short comings and screw ups. I'm not gonna lie, there has been a few times where I've fallen victim to the foolishness.. But uhhh not gone happen. I've seen Two Can Play That Game... I peep what's going on..
Next: Despite the name of my blog containing fashion, this is not some vapid valley girl blog. I cant tell you how many times people have said, "Oh I thought this was just a fashion blog" And these are people that I'm cool with. Which lets me know, they aren't really reading what I have to say. Well Whatever, because I see many people are actually taking notice to my posts. So to those that are, thanks so much :-) And I'll continue doing these for us!Now, onto better things. I will be going back to non fashion related blogs after the spring '10 trends series is over with. I've also added a guest blogger section. I'm excited about this because I know many intelligent people that have so many thoughts and ideas that I believe other people should read about. But don't worry, fashion will be very prominent in the blog. The confessions will be rolling back in soon. *Promise*
So.. I'm in love guys and dolls.. I mean, I was always in love. It just took me a couple of months to really come to terms with it... But ohhh how I keep imagining my Summer single and absolutely fabulous.. We shall see I suppose.
Remember how I said I've started up knitting/crocheting? I'm not half bad at it.. So, I think I want to start sharing some of my pieces. What do you guys think?
Lastly, I would really love if you guys would comment after a post. Whether it's on the actual post, constructive criticism, or just letting me know you like what I have to say. I would really appreciate it :-)
Ok, So I'm pretty much dunzo. Not much of a vent.. Just things that I needed to speak on. I'm so happy with everybody that actually reads what I have to say, so I always feel like I have to update you on what's going on in my life. You guys are like the bff's I cant see. Until next time
Love you all
♥ Kisha_Fashionista ♥

(What I'm wearing~ Dress: Bebe
Belt: Express)
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