I've decided to incorporate of word of the day into my blog. Simply because I'm all about the reach one teach one method. So today's word of the day is DUH-lusional.
DUH-lusional [duh-loo-zhu-nl]
1) Having an exaggerated false sense of belief or opinion
Now I know what you're thinking. Ummm, that's not how you spell delusional. I get that, and gold star to you for pointing out the obvious. Delusional and DUH-lusional are actually 2 different words in my vocabulary. You can be a little delusional while still holding on to some kind of sanity and pride. But when someone thinks of you as DUH-lusional, there's just no hope left. This morning on twitter, me (@Haus_of_Kish) and my bestriend @6inchwalka got into a discussion about people passing the harshest judgement on others via Internet, but do the same things in their every day life. Leading me to believe that these sort of people are way past the delusional state, and making their way into DUH-lusional town. I mean.. DUH! How can you think for a second that pointing out somebody else's flaws or short comings (that you share with them I might add) will in some way take away from the fact that you do it too? Just goofy. I'll admit, I can some times get a little Judge Judy (which I'm trying to work on) but could I ever fault somebody for cursing too much? Or having too much sex, or spending unnecessary money? Nooo, because I do all of that. (well minus the sex part, cuz ya girl is the Sahara over here... over share?)
In closing, be absolutely careful who you decide to slander or call out, and the reasons for said slander. You never know who's watching or listening. Be especially mindful about trying to snatch a shared wig, because the people that know you best, KNOW. After awhile, they aren't going to want to be around someone who's so much of a walking contradiction, leaving you friendless and alone. Just you and your DUH-lusions.