Dear.. Crush,
That's right... This is a letter to the person that has occupied a space in both my mind and heart for quite sometime. Let me start by saying that, I'm not crazy. Well.. not clinically anyway. well.. I haven't been diagnosed with anything. So really, this letter shouldn't be taken too seriously. But... Here goes.
Sometimes, I sit and think about all the fun that we have.. Our conversations, laughter, and crude jokes that only we find funny. It's amazing to find someone who shares similar interests as you. And crush, I have found that in you. It sucks that i cant be around you as much as I'D like to.. But I realize you have this wonderful life outside of our friendship, and I respect that.
Now.. I don't go around blasting about the people that I'm interested in.. I pretty much keep a low profile on things of that nature. But crush, I could sing from the mountaintops. (But I wont because it would probably contribute to a lot of animals being added to the endangered species list).. Can I tell you what I like about you?
I like your work ethic. I like the fact that no matter what you have to do, you do it just so that you'll be doing something. I like the fact that you were raised in a good family. I love when you can tell a man has been raised right, and you crush, have been raised impeccably. I LOVE the fact that you can dress and hold a very high interest in fashion. Not in a feminine way, but in a way that you are very much up on current trends, and you like to shop. (which we ALL know is my favorite past time) Oh. and crush, can I just say that I like the fact that you don't mind if I go a lil hard about sports. I was raised with many male cousins, a football playing brother, and a basketball playing daddy. So it's safe to assume that sports is in my blood. Unfortunately, i wasn't born the with athletic gene. But it's something about a man getting smacked on the field that reallly gets me going. :-)
Now. It hasn't always been sunshine and daisy's for us crush. We've had some.. trying times. But you know what. I never gave up. And while I know neither of us are in any position for anything with a title. I just need to you know crush. It's you. Has been. Will be. You.
Friends have talked their shit. Told me to drop it. To leave you alone. To turn around and never look your way again. And. That's fine. Because I wont. Not right now at least. I cant.
Ugh. ok. do I sound crazy yet crush? If i do, I'm sorry.. It's just the thought of you excites me.. You make me smile. And laugh. And sad. All at the same time. It's exciting, and scary and again. That's fine.
You and me.. hmmm.. powerful black couples are so beautiful. And We'd definitely be a powerhouse. I see the moves we're both making, and I cant help but let my mind wander to the what if's.. What do I bring to the table? Well...
I'm educated, I have my funny moments. I'm driven, and optimistic (with coffee and marijuana). I match your fly effortlessly. Good girl when need be. Crazy when I have to be. And sympathetic. But again Crush, I'm not rushing a thing. Just letting you know that well.. I'm alright.
Welp. That's it then.. Let the speculation begin. I'm ready for it. I feel like a coward because this is nameless. But crush, I'm just not ready to let you know how I feel. So. I'll write you this letter, and hope that maby, maby you feel the same way.
Sincerely Yours,
♥ Kisha_Fashionista ♥

Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Fall into Fall

(For you nay Sayers.. Beyonce BEEN had buttas! :-p)
Fall is coming! Fall is coming!!
ohhh myyy gosh!! Fall is my favorite season? Why? because it evokes so much feeling and emotion from me. And because fashion is so much cuter when it's colder right? Not just fashion, but peoples attitudes tend to change the colder it gets. (ehem. um, hello cuffing season?) These are some of my new favorite things about this up coming fall..
Now, i detest animal print. I used to love it when I was.. Younger. But if done wrong, animal print can look like somebody's cheap hoodtastic living room/bathroom set. But this tiny tasteful leopard print belt gives us a little break from the Summer's statement accessories. AND it's under $100.. On you can find this cutie for $38.. don't say i neva gave you nothin :-) 

This season, OPI introduces us to it's new Swiss collection. The line consists of gorgeous Fall/Winter wonderland colors. With a few earth tones splashed in. And just in case nobody has told you (which is blasphemous) Many nail salons are offering the "no chip" manicure which lemme tell you.. is a life and money saver!
So, I've been coveting a leather bomber jacket for about 2 years now, and this may be the year I spend my duckets on one. They are super cute, super comfy and go with every style! Watch and see, they'll be EVERYWHERE this fall...
Whats fall without boots? whether you're looking for flat and practical, or High and fun, boots thigh high boots are the it thing this up coming fall. These simple brown flat over the knee boots are Coachella, and the grey thigh high boots are Michael Antonio.. ( I have them in black.. but the heel is high and
Last but certainly not least, look out for the boyfriend pant. But not just jeans, the boyfriend tailored look. It screams sexy and androgyny ( love that word) and really, the pair that I just got from H&M are the most comfortable pants I own

Hope you enjoy reading as much as I've enjoyed compiling.. Hope you see you cute out in the streets!
Love ya!
♥ Kisha_fashionista ♥
No 1ne man Should have all that Powa
Well Well Well.. Looky who's back.. *Points at Self*
UGH. Lemme tell you how life has thrown so many lemons my way.. I'm like 10 nanoseconds away from opening up a stand on the corner. Summer is ending and the tell tale signs of Fall are making themselves even more apparent. Fall is gorgeous colors, crisp breezes, pumpkin latte's, high school football games, and BOOTS. But Fall is also cuffing season. For those of you who experienced a high volume of cake last winter and found yourself on your ass and alone this summer can expect that same fool (or fools... I don't judge) to come right back round as soon as the temperature drops. Then there are those who thought they were boo'd up during the summer (like myself.. HMPH) but noticed he wasn't quite acting as "right" as he was during the winter.. Now you will probably see a definite change in 'tude. But with both of these situations, we hold all the power. Right? It's not the one who always comes back, but the one who is open to it.
Lets talk on some realness. I had a situation where during the colder months, I started "talking" (I know that term is so juvenile.. but then again so was he) all during winter I thought I really had things on lock. But theeeeen Spring hit, and things weren't so sweet. By the Summer I was crying into a pitcher of Margaritas with my bestfriends wondering what went wrong. The pathetic part about my whole story, is that the day after my snot fests, he would hit me up as if nothing were wrong and I'd be right back at square 1...
Now, I know what you're thinking.. DUH! Why would you even go through that? Well, everybody has their reasons.. Mine was mainly the fact that I was dickmatized (which is VERY REAL) and I genuinely liked this guy and thought we had a chance. At the time I really did think he held all the power. But as I sit back and type this on the low (because I'm at work and not even suppose to be on here like this lol) I really had the power.. Not necessarily over him and his actions. But the outcome of every situation. See, I was losing, because I never ever gave myself a chance to win. I would go back into the pattern and even though I knew what the pattern was, and peeped game, I still kept myself in it. And THAT my lovelies is where I was giving away my power.
So.. How do you know enough is enough?
*If you find yourself crying more than happy and laughing, chances are, it's prolly enough.
*I know they say don't listen to single friends. But true bestfriends have nothing but good intentions for you. They can offer the best insight, cuz lets face it. The biggest symptom of being dickmatized is blindness..
*And lastly, the best sign that can ever appear to you, is yourself.. Hindsight is 20/20.. it's just a choice on whether you listen and take heed
I don't know to many of us that like being alone.. And if you're as fabulous as I think you are, I know you're really just looking for someone just as fabulous to strut around with and be awesome around. But at the end of the day, we cant go giving away our power. And if you're like me, and realize all the lemons you've been allowing yourself to be dealt, don't fret. When life hands you lemons, squeeze that shit into a margarita!
Love you!
UGH. Lemme tell you how life has thrown so many lemons my way.. I'm like 10 nanoseconds away from opening up a stand on the corner. Summer is ending and the tell tale signs of Fall are making themselves even more apparent. Fall is gorgeous colors, crisp breezes, pumpkin latte's, high school football games, and BOOTS. But Fall is also cuffing season. For those of you who experienced a high volume of cake last winter and found yourself on your ass and alone this summer can expect that same fool (or fools... I don't judge) to come right back round as soon as the temperature drops. Then there are those who thought they were boo'd up during the summer (like myself.. HMPH) but noticed he wasn't quite acting as "right" as he was during the winter.. Now you will probably see a definite change in 'tude. But with both of these situations, we hold all the power. Right? It's not the one who always comes back, but the one who is open to it.
Lets talk on some realness. I had a situation where during the colder months, I started "talking" (I know that term is so juvenile.. but then again so was he) all during winter I thought I really had things on lock. But theeeeen Spring hit, and things weren't so sweet. By the Summer I was crying into a pitcher of Margaritas with my bestfriends wondering what went wrong. The pathetic part about my whole story, is that the day after my snot fests, he would hit me up as if nothing were wrong and I'd be right back at square 1...
Now, I know what you're thinking.. DUH! Why would you even go through that? Well, everybody has their reasons.. Mine was mainly the fact that I was dickmatized (which is VERY REAL) and I genuinely liked this guy and thought we had a chance. At the time I really did think he held all the power. But as I sit back and type this on the low (because I'm at work and not even suppose to be on here like this lol) I really had the power.. Not necessarily over him and his actions. But the outcome of every situation. See, I was losing, because I never ever gave myself a chance to win. I would go back into the pattern and even though I knew what the pattern was, and peeped game, I still kept myself in it. And THAT my lovelies is where I was giving away my power.
So.. How do you know enough is enough?
*If you find yourself crying more than happy and laughing, chances are, it's prolly enough.
*I know they say don't listen to single friends. But true bestfriends have nothing but good intentions for you. They can offer the best insight, cuz lets face it. The biggest symptom of being dickmatized is blindness..
*And lastly, the best sign that can ever appear to you, is yourself.. Hindsight is 20/20.. it's just a choice on whether you listen and take heed
I don't know to many of us that like being alone.. And if you're as fabulous as I think you are, I know you're really just looking for someone just as fabulous to strut around with and be awesome around. But at the end of the day, we cant go giving away our power. And if you're like me, and realize all the lemons you've been allowing yourself to be dealt, don't fret. When life hands you lemons, squeeze that shit into a margarita!
Love you!
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